SoundStart Program

Make sure to take advantage of our EXCLUSIVE SOUNDSTART Program.
Are you looking for an effective solution to Improving Your Clay Soil or Preventing Dog Urine Damage? If you are new to our products, you may want to know if they will provide long-term results.
The startup is the most frustrating part for new customers when using our products. All lawns, yards, and soils are slightly different; some can have more extensive problems than others. Sometimes, correcting these problems can require additional time and product applications.
We offer our SoundStart Program to ensure your startup is as easy as possible and that our products are your long-term solution.
What is our SoundStart Program?
Our SoundStart Program is a Managed Start-Up Program that allows us to ensure you get the best results possible.
How can you enroll? Enrollment is free. Contact me at, and we can get you started. My preference is to schedule an introductory phone call, but we can also communicate through email.
As a general rule, I tell new customers to plan on 3-4 monthly applications to get the yard started. Once the soil begins to respond, we can go longer between applications.
If you purchase the initial two applications, I will gladly supply an additional two applications to you free of charge.
Some of the things we will discuss include:
- The best products to use for the problems in your yard.
- An effective application amount for the size of your lawn or garden.
- An application frequency schedule
- Best method of application and how to apply.
- Discuss fertilizer, seed, and compost.
- What to expect.
Long Term Maintenance
Hopefully, once you have seen the benefits our products can offer, you will want to continue using them for years to come. Our products get consumed by the soil and need to be re-applied periodically, but the applications are less frequent once the startup is complete.
LawnMutt - After completing the startup phase, you should be able to spread the applications out every 8-12 weeks and see how the lawn responds. The further into the program you get the longer you can go between applications. The soil gets better at filtering the urine over time and repeated applications.
RestoreClay/Liquid Humate - 3-4 applications a year is normally adequate to keep clay soil healthy and productive. More frequent applications are always beneficial but not always necessary. The further into the program you get the longer you can go between applications. The soil will get better over time and repeated applications.
Once you have established an application schedule, be sure to take advantage of our convenient Subscription Service to have the product delivered to you automatically and save 10% on the purchase price.